Saturday, June 23, 2012

Due to no phone/internet connection for the past few days (well done telstra, the I've been everywhere man hasn't been to Timber creek or Lake Argyle obviously) we haven't posted anything.  Anyhow we arrived at Timber Creek and were hoping to get into the free camping site just outside of the town. How wrong were we, the place was full of those free loading tourists. So it was back to the caravan park for an overnight stay. A couple of girls working in the park feed the local fresh water crocs late in the afternoon so we, like everyone else headed off to check them out. We stood on the bridge just above the water and it was amazing at how these little buggers just appear out of thin air, well deep water. This was one of the little crocs that was about 2mtrs long.

Now this Boab tree looks small in the picture but when you actually stand next to it as Gabriella did to put some perspective of how big they are you wonder how old these trees actually are. As you drive the highways you see a lot with names carved into the trucks. Some of the names are so big they have expanded with the tree growth and are like mini billboards.
As the sun started to go down on the sleepy little town of Timber Creek, the flying foxes started to get into action. These little buggers kept us up pretty much most of the night but we managed to get some sleep.

Morning arrived and it was about 300ks to Lake Argyle for our next stop. We planned to stay a couple of nights as some said that you could get to the Argyle diamond mines. Well we couldn't as they are only open several times a year and you have to book or something like that. So we hung around and did one of the best cruises so far. Triple J tours run a sunset cruise and we decided to take the opportunity to see this great inland sea. Oh it's fresh water but the WA Government has classified it an inland sea because of the actual size of the lake. It is possible for the waves to reach two & a half metres on a very windy day. I'm actually starting to think, what did they teach us at school. This has to be the best country in the world and we still choose to go overseas. I must admit this trip has broadened my knowledge about the country.  Anyway back to the sights of Lake Argyle. The first three photos are from the park looking over the river. The rest were taken on the boat cruise that ran into the early evening.

That's about it for now, but I had to slip one in for the family so that they can see I haven't thrown Gabriella to the crocs. I do believe that we are coming into shark infested waters. Nah she'll be right.
We are currently in Kununarra and we headed off to the Ivanhoe Crossing late afternoon so I could do some more fishing. The crossing was closed and there were a few people fishing. The river was running fairly quickly so I decided to stay in the crossing close to the river bank. Everyone was fishing the fast moving areas so I decided to fish in close to the banks and the plant life. As the tourists started to arrive for the photo opportunities, Gabriella got talking to the tour guide who advised her that crocs were in the river and very close to where I was fishing. Yep, Gabriella was there yelling to me that there were crocs in the river and I should get out. She continually kept yelling at me as the tour guide insisted the crocs are usually around the banks and close to shore. Anyway I got out and stood in a safe rocky area that the crocs couldn't get me. Didn't help catch the fish and left disappointed again. We headed back to the park had dinner and went and drinks with a couple we met in Timber creek.

Well back on the road tomorrow and hope to get to some beach areas soon, I need to catch a fish so I can actually kick back and mark that off the list.
The wind has kicked up a bit so better get out and see some sights.
Bye for now.

1 comment:

  1. You wouldn't believe it but on Monday I was looking at that exact sunset from one of our managers photos that she took of the sunset who has just been back a week from touring that area. She has never been there and has the same thoughts why travel overseas when you have it all here in your own backyard. Mmmmm still no fish ah!
