Monday, May 14, 2012

Well we started off well with a nice drive from Shelbourne to Renmark S.A.
We had a tail wind from pretty much all the way to Mildura. This had a smile on my face until we hit the petrol station in Mildura. The tail wind didn't show at the pump.

Gabriella was at her best in the passenger seat. Observer. I can remember someone once saying what does an obsever do? Today I found out. 'Nothing' Oh, they have a little nap during that observing time as well. As the observer, it is my role to stay alert, look for any hazards, make sure that Rodney's eyes stay focused on the road and not on the local chicks, it is a tough gig and does occasionally require a power nap...........111111111

Using the Camps 6 guide and went to the first camp site that looked good on paper. Didn't look so good when we got there. The track going in didn't look very accessible for a big van. As I am a wimp I chose to find something else. We found a spot just up the road outside an old reptile park on the Sturt Hwy. A little bit busy with trucks going past but I think I'II sleep through that tonight. Several other vans and campers turned up so was a bit more secure than being alone. This was the idea of the trip, free camping were we could to save a few dollars.

Tomorrow were off to Port Augusta for the night. From what Gabriella has told me, theres not much  to do or look at. Well we have to stop as we need to stock up on some good food. (greens)

We will be doing this blog for the next three months so hope you follow us over this time.

Rod & Gabriella.

1 comment:

  1. Pretty flash blog page, good to hear you have other campers and vans around you at night.
